New Owner References
Tango's Haus poodles raises poodle puppies in these sizes: Tiny Toy Poodles, Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles and Moyens in all colors. This page shows what our new poodle puppies owners have stated about our poodles for sale that they have adopted. Our poodles for sale are sold at very affordable prices in Tiny Toy Poodles, Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles and Moyen sizes. Our poodle puppies come in all colors and we do not in-breed or line-breed for the best genetic health in our poodle puppies. Our poodles for sale also come with all of their preliminary shots & worming done. Our Tiny Toy Poodles, Toy Poodles, Miniature Poodles,and Moyen are all guaranteed in writing. We do ship our puppies with United Airlines during proper weather conditions and if not, then through private courier services. If you have any questions about these references you may email me and I will send you whatever information that you need.
Juliet with her babies
Juliet with her babies
Tango's Poodles goes on in the future to make new families happy!!
John and Carla Coniker
Paula - It has been 16 months since my wife and I received Scooter and what a precious gift of life he is to our family. Scooter is our life and we wanted to share some of the photos we have enjoyed taking of him and with him. While on the subject we would also like to THANK YOU for such a gift, as Scooter will always mean the world to us. Please see the attached photos and feel free to share since we are so proud of our little “Big Guy” as we refer to him. Nothing in this world could be greater than what Scooter has brought to our family. Again, thank you so much for this gift of life (Scooter) that we will cherish for the rest of our lives.
Good Morning Paula: I hope this e-mail finds you well......I just wanted to touch base and let you know how our Sugar has been doing. She has been absolutely incredible. The entire family is in love with her. James is doing very well with her. She is already picking up the pottey training and has been going outside!! Last night it was the most precious the end of the day she went to her room/bed and laid down and went to sleep. She is full of kisses and loving.
Thank you for giving us 'our baby girl' we always wanted. May God Bless you and your loved ones. Take care and I will send pictures asap!
p.s. - Diana (Sadie's mommie) stopped by to see Sugar and wanted me to tell you "HELLO"!!
Warmest regards,
Mike & Kitty Perlick (Taffy and Dolly)
Just a quick note to let you know that the first night with the puppies went absolutely wonderful. They took to us as though they had always known us. They did great with my grandchildren and other family members. They both slept with no crying from about 9:30 P.M. until I got them up at 6:30 this morning. They both are using the paper when they go in their room and seem to know what to do when we take them to the designated spot in the yard. So far, Kitty and I could not be happier. Again, you do great work and obviosly instill love in the puppies. Thanks again. We will keep you updated. Mike
We learned something new today that you may want to pass along to your other customers. We came very close to losing one of the puppies this morning. When we brought them home Sunday I noticed a Hawk stalking our back yard. It circled the yard and on at least 2 occasions came down low into the yard. I prewarned Kitty that I thought the Hawk was checking out Dolly and Taffy. This morning Kitty had them under a tree and she saw the Hawk coming down. She reached out and grabbed Dolly and Taffy and the Hawk came within about 10 feet before seeing Kitty and veered off. I assume that the Hawk is having trouble finding a meal due to the dry weather. You might want to alert others of this potential danger. Mike
Dear Paula, Gigi visited the vet today for her shot. She now weighs 2.8 lbs. He checked her over and she is still doing great. I know you are tired of hearing how much we enjoy her, but she is just wonderful. She is potty trained, except when we mess up and do not pay attention to the fact that she has gone to the back door.
John And Linda Sanders
Hi, Paula, Merry Christmas to you and your family! We are enjoying our little Lillie soooooo much. She's very sweet and makes us laugh a lot. Thought you'd like to see how pretty she is at 6 mos. old.
John & Linda Sanders
DeSoto, TX
Kevin and Lupe
Paula, It's been a pleasure doing business with you. I never thought I would be lucky enough to find poodles as sweet as the last two sisters which I had for 15 years. You breed dogs that are wonderfully sweet, beautiful and healthy. Thank you for my girls.
Ardella Norwood
Paula, Miss Addie loved the snow - she had a big time and didn't want to come in the house!!! She is doing great and such a blessing to me!!!
Ardella Norwood
Pixie and Amanda
Hi Paula hope this find you well Pixie is now 8 months old and gets more beautiful everyday just like my daughter. I really am itching for another puppy so she has a friend. I keep checking what you have but not sure if I can do it now, but I am sure one day! She is just the best dog, I would not go anywhere else.
Carmen Nieves
Hi Paula, It has been a long time since I have written to you but I always have you in my thoughts and prayers. Thought you would like to see a picture of my Domino (I call mi chiquito (Spanish for my small one ) and Max (I call him baby because he thinks he is a baby and tries to get on our lap. He weighs 110 lbs). They are both doing great. Domino.....what can I say.....I gave birth to this dog. My husband and I are still trying to figure out why he has so much hair and he is black with a touch of white :-). We just don't know who he looks like. Domino is always always with me, in the bathroom, taking a shower, laying down, sleeping, my family says I gave birth to him. I love him very much. Thank you for bring him to my world. Enjoy the picture it is a recent one. I hope you and your family are doing well. God Bless.
Warmest regards,
Carmen Nieves
Paula, Pepper had his first birthday last week - no cake but several toys. He is a fine puppy and a great friend. I can't imagine a better buddy than this fellow. He looks at me like he understands everything I say and in fact does have a pretty good vocabulary. I have never been noted for rising early (since retirement) but my schedule has changes. The first thing we do is go around the block which is a half-mile trek. In warmer weather we were working up to three trips but the bitter cold doesn't encourage that. Pepper relies on this to do his business and also doesn't let me forget to put Mary's (upper 80s) paper on her porch.
Pepper has beautiful eyes (maybe all Poodles do) but they don't photograph well. Anyway, I'm attaching two pics. Hope all is well at your place.
Jack and Karen Martin
Hi Paula, I hope all is well with you. We haven't talked to you in a while. I'm going to send you a couple of pics of Sammy since she is almost a year old. She's the daughter of Karmen.
Thanks Paula! Panda and her new toy at Christmas:

Carol Young
Sorry have not sent you anything in a long while, so thought you might want to catch up with what Miley is doing and how much she is grown. She is very healthy and very much spoiled. She sleeps with me all night. She is very sweet. My grandkids and kids think she is a person and I am pretty sure Miley does to. I think I live with her instead of her living with me. I am sending photos of her and me, my daughter and me and Miley in the snow. Also these are first pictures after she had all her hair cut. She looks like a real poodle now instead of a ragmuffin. I love her and am thinking of getting another this year. She weighs about 6 pounds now. And loves to eat!!!!! She is also very demanding, when I try to sleep in and she is already awake, she sits there and growls and barks at me until I get up.
We had a great holiday time and I hope you all stayed well and warm.
Carol Young
Jesse Graham
Hey, I don't know if you remember me. My name is Jessie Graham and I live in North Carolina. I bought a black and white phantom toy female from you three years ago. Well her name is Tango and she is doing great. Spoiled rotten to the core!! I wanted to let you know she had a litter of toy poodle puppies on Christmas eve. She was bred with my red toy poodle Cash. She had four boys one chocolate with a white chest and one chocolate phantom and two dark golden ones that seem to get darker everyday. So I have no idea what they will turn out to be. Tango and Cash are both seven pounds so I think the puppies should stay around that size. Tango is a great mom and her and the puppies are doing good. I will send pictures as soon as I can get some. Thanks, Jessie Graham
I wanted to give you an update on Addie. She is doing great! She spent her first Christmas with us at her gradma and grandpa's and had a grand time! When we left there on Sunday she slept the entire way home without moving. She says “Christmas is hard work”!!!! She is 20 weeks now and is potty trained for the most part and is very smart. She loves to fetch and loves pulling each and every toy out of her and Angel's toy box! (one of these days I will train them to put them up - haha!
The picture of her on the desk is the day I took her to work with me - as you can see she worked very hard!!!
We have enjoyed having her in our family so much and look forward to many years to come!
Dear Paula: “Daisy” is doing great! She has had no diarrhea and has not had a single accident in the house! She is getting more and more comfortable and playful, and is really a very sweet pup. We are so happy with her little disposition. We are working on what is OK to chew and what not to chew, but that's normal puppy stuff. She does want to chew on fingers and toes, and once nibbled my daughters forehead, but we have been quick to discipline with claps and loud noises. She is also obsessed with our black and white cat, Milton, and whines to see him, but we ignore that behavior. I think she is adjusting very well.
Thanks for your patience with my concerns yesterday. When we've had some more time with her, I will send photo updates and another note.
With much appreciation,
Hi Paula,
Sounds like you are having a good Christmas. I know you are happy to have your children and grandchildren home with you. Time sure seems to fly too quickly when you have family home.
Thank you for the prayers. My mother drove for the very first time this past Monday. She did well and said it did not cause her any pain. She misses not being able to go like she wants.
Bailey gets more mail than I do. She received a Brighton pet picture frame with little dog charms (one is a poodle) for Christmas from my aunt and uncle. Then a few days later, she received a special card addressed only to her from the same aunt and uncle. Thought I would send you a picture of her with HER mail......she finally let me help her open it!
Talk with you soon!
Tami Uppendahl
Here is latest pic of pixie now 7 months, she is awesome we love her
to death!! Happy new year! Tami Uppendahl
Paula hi here is a recent pic of Pixie she will be 8 months old
tomorrow! Just love her! Thx Tami
Karen Sego
Hi Paula, I bought 2 Poodles from you......the most recent one was born July 24. He is a male and the other one, just turned 2 years old on January 4. I love my Poodles and think about you and your husband a lot. I hope you are doing well... Thank you so much for being the best breeder ever...My sister, Ann McSwain, has a poodle from you and I have two..
I met a man about a week ago who got a poodle from you too....It was by happenstance that I met him, but he stopped me as I was out
walking my 2 poodles, and asked me where I got them.....He told me he had gotten a poodle from you too...His name is Lou.
Take care ...and just to let you know I love my dogs......They are my life.....Thank you so much for all you and your family has done
to make so many of us happy and happier than we could be.
God bless you....I will send you a picture of all 3 of my dogs....Tilly, Scout, and Shadow....Shadow is our 12 year old Lab....the other
2 are our babies from you...
Karen Sego
The Wootens and Gigi.
Dear Paula, Thought you might enjoy seeing Gigi's Xmas Picture. Isn't she pretty? We love her so much and she brings us so much enjoyment. It is hard to believe we have had her for 3 1/2 years.
Hope you and your husband are doing great and the year 2010 will be very kind to the two of you.
The Wootens and Gigi.
Coco Chanel pup
Hi, Don't know if you remember me. I adopted a tiny toy female from you I December of 2008. Named her Coco Chanel and she is fabulous.
Moka & Tai
Good afternoon. I hope all is well. I just wanted to forward a photo of the pooch and I. He arrived safely.
Michelle, Brian, Bay and Delaney
Hi Paula,
Panda had her 2nd groomer appointment today. I gave them your website because they all loved Her! They just had to know where she came from. So you maybe be hearing from others in San Angelo…
Thanks again! We just LOVE her!
Michelle, Brian, Bay and Delaney
Happy Easter from Panda!
Here is Panda at 1 year old! (already). She is in her Halloween costume, so funny!
Michelle Hester
Hi Paula, Jaci got her first hair cut this week. She struts around like she knows she a little doll. She went to the vet last week and got her shots and she weighs 5 lbs. She doesnt look like it though. She's still small. She got a new bear for Valentine's Day that she drag's all over the house She goes to the door now everytime she needs to go potty. And of course everyone that lives around me just love her to death and she know's the one's that pick her up and love on her the most. Just wanted to say hi. Jaci is just getting sweeter and sweeter.
Hope all is well with you!
Nancy and Chuck
Dear Paula, I hope you have received the disk and prints of Casey by now. The prints were taken after the disk was made but they were pretty cute so I included them. Casey is a totally awesome little guy! He is exactly the kind of puppy that I was hoping to get and we thank you so much for doing such a great job of breeding and raising him. He is truly a blessing in our lives. He is about to finish his puppy kindergarten classes, which he really enjoyed, and will start obedience class the middle of March. We're having a chain link fence installed in part of the back yard so he can run around and play off lead and not be able to get to the pony pen. He is fascinated by the ponies and they would like nothing better than to play tag with him, so we decided that the best thing was for him to have a play area of his own. I am sorry for taking so long to get the photos to you, I don't know where the time goes. It looks like you have some really cute puppies on your web site now and it's always fun to look at them.
I hope all is going well with you and your family. Thanks again for doing such a great job with the puppies!
Sincerely, Nancy and Chuck
Hi Paula, What a little character Keno is! We have been having so much fun with him, and Casey loves him! They have been outside playing as much as the weather has permitted. They especially like to play tug of war with a soft disk, and chase each other with a ball that has holes in it to stuff in treats. Keno loves his little blue pig and sleeps with it in his crate. He has learned to walk with a collar really fast. Thank you for another wonderful little poodle! I'm so glad to have seen him on your website. Our best to George and our wishes for a speedy recovery from his surgery. I am going to attempt to send you one photo of them playing and then will have prints made of the rest. I'll call you soon.
Sincerely, Nancy
Ron & Sandra
Ron and Sandra
Andrea Canady
Hello there, It has been a while since I have spoken to you. I hope this little note finds you and George doing well. We are doing good. I go on May 4 for my 1 year exam. That will be a big day as I will have a bone marrow extraction, a thyroid test and then they will start my immunizations. Ginger is doing good and is just a little doll. She goes just about everywhere we go. We say bye bye and she starts jumping around and wants in her pouch. She is at the vet. today getting spayed and having a microchip put in. It is very quiet around here without her. I see you are getting ready to be very busy with new ones. You both are still in our prayers daily. Take care and hopefully we will see you soon. Attached is a picture of my girl.
Andrea Canady

Andrea, who is in remission from Leukemia and her wonderful little girl, pictured at 4 months of age.
They are blessed to have saved each other!!
June 19, 2009
Andrea's Leukemia has returned and she is back in the hospital. Everyone, please say prayers for her new bone marrow transplant!!
We worked SO hard this past weekend… we were outside EVERYDAY working on this shed. It was hard work… but we had so much fun… and it was totally worth it because the shed looks great!!!
I've attached pictures!!!
I just wanted to tell you something I think is going to be fun….In April my Apt.'s is going to have a Easter Parade/Contest for our pets.
Of course I have Jaci and Jodi registered. They have matching Easter Dresses and I know they will be the hit of the show. Ha
In fact I ask a couple of people there to be the judges and everyone declined because they said they will be partial to mine and make someone else mad. I told them to just be honest. I think it will be a lot of fun for them and me. I plan on taking lots of pictures, so as soon as I can I will send them to you. I love little Jaci so much. I cant imagine her not being in my life now. And she loves her mama too. She follows me everywhere. Just wanted to tell you what's coming up. Hope your doing great! Talk to you soon!
Hello Paula,
I took so many pictures at the Easter Parade and they all turned out blurry. The only one I ended up with someone else took it. But Jaci & Jodi had a good time. Jaci loves to walk around on her leash and see everybody she knows so that parade was right up her alley.
When I can get my camera fixed I will take some better pictures.
Hope all is well with you. I see you have new litters coming.
I cant wait to see them on your website.
Antoinette de Janasz
Hi Paula, Just wanted to drop you a line while Rorschach is napping in my lap. He's settling in beautifully. Had a bout of car sickness on the way home which totally disgusted Taylor and I found her reaction quite amusing! Last night he settled down after 2 minutes of whining which is remarkable for his age! He woke up every couple of hours and I took him out to potty twice and hushed him the other times. He quiets down very quickly! I'll send you pictures soon
Well she is doing great, very upbeat, loves to run, Sleep, and chews on everything she can get her paws on but mostly people,lol. She very spoiled already, my whole family loves her and also people I don't even know lights up when they see her. She makes me very happy and I do everything to keep her just as happy. so I would like to thank you for her.
Ps. Some pictures are attached.
Hi Paula,
Just wanted to give you an update on my puppy. I decided to name him Zeus. He may be small, but personality wise he is fearless and needed a big dog name. He learned to sit and go to his bed at 9 weeks. Staying is a bit harder as he is my little shadow and follows me everywhere. Everyone that sees him comments what a beautiful dog he is and wants to know where I got him. He is such a friendly little guy and it's a wonder he ever learned to walk as everyone that sees him just wants to hold him. These days he is growing so fast. In one week he gained 1.5 pounds and now weighs 7 pounds.
Here are some pictures of him at 12 weeks. I haven't uploaded my most recent pics just yet. Thanks again for such a beautiful puppy.
Happy Mother's Day from Jaci
Peggy, Rocky and Ziggy in California
Hi Paula,
It's been awhile sorry for that, I hope this email finds you and your family well. Rocky and Ziggy are doing great they went to the beach
last Sunday and had a wonderful time, the weather has been great. We have been pretty busy but the dogs are as spoiled as usual. I will include some photos of Rocky as my new laptop hasn't all my photos on it yet (will send Ziggy photos later). I will try and send photos more regularly. I need to close as I have an appointment.
God Bless
Peggy, Rocky and Ziggy in California
Nancy and Chuck
Hi Paula,
Hope everything is going smoother for you now. We just got back from a trip to California to see our son and family. We took little Keno with us and left Casey at his groomer's home where he had a really good time with her dogs. She has whippets and collies. One of the collies adopted him and played with him all the time, also Sharon said he didn't have a single "accident" in her house the whole time he was there. He is doing very well at being housebroken!
Keno really learned a lot on the trip and turned out to be a fantastic little traveler. He learned to potty almost on command and also went swimming in our son's pool. It was 103 that day so the water felt really good. Everybody thought he was so cute!
I sent a bunch of photos and the neuter form to you the day before we left. Did you get it okay?
Keno's papers were here when we got back and I'll send in the transfer. Thanks for sending them.
We've had lots of rain and everything is really green and pretty here now.
Nancy and Chuck
Hi Paula, Copy and paste the website above. She is doing fine and growing like a weed. I'll try to get you some better pics. She loves to travel and has soo much energy. She knows how to: sit, shake hands, down, roll over, come and we are now working on stay. She'll pick new tricks/commands within in a day. She's very smart (and she LOVES to shred anything paper)! We'll have to work on that part. :0)
The Wootens
Gigi has her grooming appointment Monday and we will try to get a good picture (we have her groomed every two weeks). She is a beautiful dog and the neighbors love her and can see her beauty. When she goes walking, if they are out she goes up their walks. We love her so much and she is very smart.
We are fine. Perry will be 80 in August and I will be 78 in September and we celebrated our 60th anniversary on the 28th of May.
We hope the two of you are doing fine also.
The Wootens
Dear Paula,
Just a note to tell you that our precious Gigi is 3 today; she is still the love of our life and we enjoy her so much.
Thank you for letting us have her.
The Wootens

I finished a week of training the other day and don't know if I should have passed. However, I did learn a few things and glad I attended.
Below you see his weight gain and I hope it is good for a puppy his age. He seems healthy enough and has plenty of energy.
I'm including a recent picture of him and his weight chart. We make a trip around the block each morning (1/2 mile and he does well on the leash until he sees a dog or human he wants to meet) and twice during the day I throw a ball five or six times for him which he retrieves and brings it to me (for a treat). He sits up but will not go for the treat until I say go. I also think he will be walking more than a few steps pretty soon.
Enough for now. Just wanted you to know that we think all is well and we are really (really) happy with Pepper.
Tell George hello.

Terri & Megan
Hi Paula, Just thought I'd send you an update on Molly. She has been really great. We are having Loads of fun with her and she is sweet and a ball of energy, especially in the morning. She has taken to her crate really well when needed and is doing very good on the house training. We still have a little ways to go, but as long as we stay on top of it and take her out, she does great.
Well, here are some pictures. Hope you are well and thanks again for Molly!
Terri & Megan

Hi Paula,
Just thought I'd send you a picture of Molly after her first haircut.
She's 4 months old now and weights 5.3 lbs and about 8-1/2 inches tall. We are enjoying her so much. She is almost house trained and is very smart. She's already learned to ring a bell when she wants to go out, she can sit, lay and shake hands. Everyone comments on her pretty brown color when we are out.
Linda and John Sanders
Hi Paula,
Just wanted to drop you a note and tell you that we are so thankful for Lillie. She is adjusting very quickly. In fact, I think we've spoiled her already (ha). She is so much fun....runs and plays really hard and has soooooo much personality. We couldn't be happier.
Blessings,Linda & John Sanders
Paula, I came across this old email from you and wanted to say hi. Our
puppy we bought from you, now known as Lulu, is such a wonderful member of the family. She is adorable and full of energy and love. Thank you for the joy you have brought us.
Best regards, Betty
Alison MacDonald
Tempi is 2 and 1/2 now! How time seems to fly. I thought that I needed to send you a few pictures to see how she's grown up in to a wonderful little poodle. She is still accompaning me to each and every horse show. Here she is striking a pose infornt of the El Paso sun set and infront of the flowers at the Centerline DressageShow in Springfield, IL. She's a little ham when the camera comes out, as I'm sure you can tell. She has been a wonderful little dog and a great addition to my family.
Alison MacDonald
Pixies first pro hair cut so cute!!
Tommy C.
Hi Paula: Today Nov. 19th is Disco's 8th birthday. Would you believe how the time passes by. He's the greatest dog ever.
Tommy C.
Hi Paula,
This is Charla Jenkins from Oklahoma. Hopefully you remember me. I promised to update you on the progress of little Mario (black puppy) and Luigi (white puppy). They are both little sweethearts and I guess I will have to keep them because they are both so rotten that I don't think anyone else would have them. Mario is now 8 lbs and Luigi is 6 lbs. Both have been neutered and are doing well. I am trying to teach them to sit, but they are being hard headed. Luigi likes to fetch a stuffed soccer ball toy for me to throw for him and Mario likes to steal Luigi's toy and run off with it. They are both such a joy. Thank you so much for everything.
Nancy and Charlie

lee & najla
lee & najla

Toby Price

Oh my gosh, she is absolutely adorable! I love her little face!
She did just fine in the crate. As soon as I got her home I put her down on a potty pad. She peed & pooped almost immediately. No mess in the crate at all. I'll send pictures when she gets a little older. And thanks so much for the haircut, she is just too cute for words.
Keep in touch,

It's been a long time, but I have been very busy. I just wanted to write and let you know that the dogs are doing well as usual, I am also including photos of the pups.Rocky weights in at 14.5 Lbs. and Ziggie is around 11Lbs. I hope that you and your family are doing well.Rocky and Ziggie work with individuals with Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities to help facilitate progress with their treatment. Will write soon and send additional photos.
God Bless,



Kristina and Cookie
Hope all is well! Cookie is doing great, she went to the vet yesterday, and is healthy J Cookie weighs 5.8 pounds, and she got a hair cut by my mom. Now that Cookie has her borditella shot, we will take her to the dog loft to get another hair cut. She is a good dog, she is so much fun and just so sweet. She is starting to teeth, and chews on everything including me, but as soon as I say NO, then she listens right away. I was amazed at how good she was at the vet, she was so calm, and just wanted everyone to pet her, she didn't even notice the shots or the thermometer testing. Cookie gets to go places with us and she enjoys car rides, she is calm everywhere we go.. Cookie is very attached to me, she follows me everywhere :). Happy fourth of July.
Kristina and Cookie

I took the most adorable picture of Puddin' today & I just had to share it with you. Puddin' just loves my other dogs & is adjusting wonderfully to my menajerie. She is so sweet & I just love her so much.
Thanks again for my newest little poodle angel.


Alison MacDonald
I bought an apricot mini poodle from you about a year ago (from the may 28 2007 litter), and I just have to write to tell you how much I love her. I take her to horse shows every other weekend, and she just loves being the center of attention! She has even adopted he own chair, where she just sits and watches people go by. She is an amazing little dog and I couldn't be happier with her!
Thank you,
Alison MacDonald
Karen Sego and Tilly
Hi...i have wanted to call you or write so many times. I cannot tell you how much I love my Poodle, Tilly. I got her in Feb of this year. She is so darn cute and the joy in my life! Thank you so much for such a wonderful dog. She is like a child to me. Will you be
breeding dogs for some time to come? I know my sister Ann and i were wondering. She got her Poodle from you, Chuy. I hope both you and your husband are doing well. I know he was undergoing some treatments in Feb. I think of you a lot...and feel so blessed to have this miniature Poodle, a Phantom poodle. I will get a picture sent soon......
Karen Sego and Tilly
Jonathan Ibarra
Miah survived Hurricane Dolly! She was quite frightened by the wind, however. She is doing very well here and is really growing. She is a lovely baby and great addition to our family. Here is a photo of her taken 7/25/08. I think she was born on 4/25/ I right? I cannot remember the name of her dam, but her sire is named Chewbacca.
Have a blessed weekend!
Jonathan Ibarra
Corpus Christi, TX
Janet Stetzer
Anna in back, Mollie in red, and granddaughter Sami holding Zac.
Janet Stetzer
The rock's
hi paula,my goodness sadie may is one year old. here are a few pics of her. remember she was dark brown? she is so beautiful. she is ten inches tall @ the shoulders and she weighs 7lbs. my hubby lalaloves her. she travels with us every place we go. she has flown maybe twenty times and has been to many hotels she is well behaved and she loves to travel. she has a cute bag that looks like a purse that i carry her in. her personality is just awesome. her coloring is beautiful. she has been a dream to train, she is very smart. she has been spayed and she needed to have a few puppy teeth pulled that did not fall out on their own. she is a lovely dog. her vet and groomer always comment on what a wonderful dog she is. paula it was a pleasure meeting you and your husband @ the airport. the two of you are kind and caring people and it is reflected in your business. we will stay in touch.kindest regards!the rock's
Janet Stetzer
Larry and Marilyn Lysek
Hello Paula, We adopted Allie from you back in March 2008. Just wanted to let you know what a joy she is. She is such a sweet puppy. She has been so easy to train and is so smart. My daughter adores her. Thank you so much.
Larry and Marilyn Lysek
David and Reggie
Hi Paula: sorry my wife and I haven't gotten back about the little male black and white miniature we got from you earlier this year. We eneded up naming him Rufus-he is the cutest, most mischievious and loving little guy I've ever seen. He loves to go fishing with me, ride in the car, just be with us every second. He is perfect for our life style. We've been so busy getting set up to build at Lake Fork (finally starting next month) I have neglected writing to you about him. After having hunting dogs and terriers, I never thought I would like Poodles, but Rufus has won me over. He is too smart. I still don't know why someone didn't beat us to him. Just glad they didn't.
Thanksfor a super little dog.
David and Reggie
PS: My Wife is usually not one for showing a lot of attention to pets, but she can't resist Rufus.

Ruby Tuesday
Dear Paula,
My Mom told me to write an email to you to tell you several things.
One , on my legs, chest, the top of my head and underneath, I have turned into my Mother (cream color). Mommy and Daddy still think that I am cute as a button. A fairly recent picture of me is attached to this email so you can judge for yourself.
I weigh slightly over 10 pounds now at eight months old.
Second , I chewed up an ink pen and stained the carpet in our guest room. I couldn't deny that it was me because Mom caught me red handed (err blue pawed).
Third , I have made friends with Target, the cat. We bark, hiss and chase each other but it's all in good fun. Sometimes we even touch noses very gently.
Love, Ruby Tuesday
I just wanted to again share with you how happy I am with Bailey. I took off work today for a "Bailey Day". We went to the pet store and she got all kinds of goodies. We then went visiting to my doctor's office and then to my office. She is so social.......not afraid, well behaved around people, very loving, lets others hold her with my permission. I can't tell you how many comments were made about how social and well behaved she is. I told them that the majority of that comes from you and your great work!! I never want my dog to be mean or hateful around people and she is just great! They told me at work that she is better haved and more calm that a lot of the employees children that come up to visit!
She has had a wonderful day and is very spoiled and tired. Mommy has spent A LOT of money on Miss Bailey today.......but she is well worth it......and VERY VERY loved!!
I thought you might enjoy some pics of my darling babies Chloe & Maddie,,,, You breed the most beautiful loving poodles!
I talk about you all the time when I am showing my girls off.....Maddie doesn't like to walk all that much since I carry her around all the time in the denim bag you made! Feel free to use thes pics on your web site!
proud mama of Chloe & Maddie

I thought you might enjoy some pics of my darling babies Chloe & Maddie,,,, You breed the most beautiful loving poodles!
I talk about you all the time when I am showing my girls off.....Maddie doesn't like to walk all that much since I carry her around all the time in the denim bag you made! Feel free to use thes pics on your web site!
proud mama of Chloe & Maddie

Anyway, he is truly a joy. He follows me everywhere I go, even when I go to the bathroom, he follows me right in, or he'll sit at the door and wait for me. And yes, he sleeps with me too!! LOL He is quite a character, so much personality this little guy has. I talk to him, and I think that he thinks, he truly understands what I'm saying. He thinks he's human!! I just wanted to send you an update and let you know how he's doing, and also am sending you a picture of him in his Joker costume for Halloween.
Thank you again for allowing me to bring him into my family, he is truly a joy.

Alison MacDonald
Hi there!
It's about time for me to send an update of how Tempi is doing. She has become quite the little horse show poodle. Appart from cheering me on at my local quarter horse shows, Tempi also has traveled to my larger Dressage shows. She is now an expert at sneaking into hotels! Attached is a picture taken at the Milti State Invitational show, pictured with my show horse, Rohos Classic. It took quite a few tries to get all three of us looking at the camera, but I think that the result was more then worth it! I hope everything with you is going well. I can't express how much I love my poodle! I have your site saved, just in case I need that second poodle. 🙂 Thanks for raising a wonderful dog!
Alison MacDonald

Here is a photo of Zach with my granddaughter taken in August. Gives you a little idea of his size. Max kind of stands between his front legs.
Hi to everyone I have pictures of my growing little baby Girl Dog Daisy though that all yall would like to see what this sweet adorable princess is looking likeThese days .wishing that everyone is having great HOLLIDAYS and keep havinga great HOLLIDAYEveryone have a Great Thanksgiving,Christmas, and a Happy New Year 2009 toall.
Tommy C.
Hi Paula,
I wanted to send you a new update on Cappy. He's 10 months old now, and he weighs 13lbs., and is doing just wonderful. I've attached a few new pictures that I just took of him tonight. He is one that has to take all the toys and keep them close to him, so the others can't have them....LOL I'm sending you a picture of him with some toys that he's keeping watch over, and he finally fell asleep with them.
Cappy is truly a joy. He has the most incredible personality ever!!!
Thank you for sending me this beautiful boy!!
Good morning Paula,
It's about time I gave you an update on Mr. Dante. We bought him from you July 23, 2006. He's a miniature black and his sire was Schwartz. His mother bit off one of the toes on his back foot when she was cutting the umbilical cord. It was pouring rain the day we drove out to get him. One of the concerns we had was with our female Westie, Annabelle. She was/is protective of me. Well, our guess that she'd be fine with a puppy was a good one and she's been good with him since we brought him home.
He is beautiful. We have friends from Tulsa, Charles and Kelley, who came to visit recently. Dante loves to chase balls. His favorite is a blue racquetball, I think because it bounces. I'd thrown it for him, he darted out grabbed it and then pranced back to me. Kelley's family raised and showed poodles for years. She looked at me and said, he has beautiful lines! Thought you'd like to hear that. We have a grandson, Aidan who will be 2 in May, who adores Dante. We were in Cheyenne, Wyoming this summer for my father in law's 75th birthday party with Dante and Aidan and his daddy came from South Dakota. Aidan had so much fun with Dante. He would climb on the couch and throw Dante's ball over the railing down the stairs. Dante would go get it and then "hand" it to Aidan to throw again. When Dante would hand (OK, actually, let Aidan take the ball from his mouth) Aidan the ball, he'd say, Thank you Ante and run to the couch. I found a little black poodle beanie baby and sent it to Aidan. My son said he runs around the house with it saying Ante, Ante, Ante. Other than fetch, Dante loves to chase around our yard with Annabelle (the wicked Westie). The only problem is his being a poodle, this time of year, he is a leaf magnet! We live near Bear Creek Park and frequently, we take him and Annabelle for walks. He's the big talker when he sees the big geese until they look at him. It's a hoot. What else can I tell you about him? He's in excellent health, not a single problem other than he's really sensitive to Sargeant's flea and tick preventative that you put on their backs. We won't use that kind again. Poor guy, I gave him a bath and then put the stuff on him and then he had to get another bath to get it off again. Benedryl was what finally worked. He does like baths. Not overly fond of brushing but tolerates it. The ladies at the groomer's love him. One of his favorite treats is popcorn. He is really good at catching it in the air.
He is still very black but has in the past year developed cinnamon colored whiskers around his mouth and I'm starting to see a few white hairs in the black so he's not the purple black he once was. We had an opportunity to spend the last year in Jackson, Wyoming. He really shows up well on white snow by the way and he's not very fond of it. He really prances when he has to go out in the snow to go potty. We love him dearly, he's delightful. We have had several people tell us that if we ever (not likely) need to give him away, they'd like to be first on the list. Oh, and he likes toes. In the morning right after he goes outside for the first time and comes running back in, he HAS to give my toes a quick slurp. When he was a puppy, he would slurp any toes he saw but now it's just Jeff's and mine. Funny puppy. When we watch a movie, he likes to sit on the couch really close to my husband and rest his head on Jeff's stomach. It's pretty cute. I'm sure once I hit send, I'll think of 10 other things I should have told you so don't be surprised if you see another email.
Take care and thanks a million for Dante,
Larry Steele
Just want you to know that Co Co and Angel are doing fine. They are now around 15 lbs.
Have a Merry Christmas and a new year.
Larry Steele
Today is Bailey's first birthday! She wanted to see you but a picture will have to do for now.
Joel & Sharon Walter
Rocky's 2nd Birthday 12 /26 08
Joel & Sharon Walter
Lillie Bishop
Just want to drop you a few lines and let you know we have adjusted well with our puppy and she is such a little lover. She loves to be held and loved on and is so mean to Cricket our male. We named her Sadie and she has a little stubborn streak in her. But we sure love her. Thank you so much for her. I will get some pictures soon and send to you.
Lillie Bishop
Office Manager
Kathie Reynolds
Hello Paula,
Kathie here from Santa Cruz ,California. Happy new Year. Hope you had a pleasant holiday season and your husband is well. Little Theo is so wonderful. He is the smartest puppy we have ever had. And he is so beautiful. He gets along with every pet and is so sweet.
He and Menoi (from YOU also) and Percy the mini schnauzer play like little Ban chi's running around and chasing each other. They are so funny. Theo is getting big! He will be one this week Jan. 8th. He is bigger then Percy and Menoi. We like him big. People always stop us on the beach ands ask what kind of dog he is. Most people haven't seen parti poodles. We let Theo and Menoi get off the leash at the beach and they run wild. Menoi loves the water and Theo is afraid of the waves.
Our house looks like a dog toy box. Bits and parts of stuffed toys and chewy toys. Menoi's mission in life is to remove all squeaky parts from the toys. Sleeping with all these dogs on the bed is tough. We all sleep in lately with the mornings being cooler then usual. Still it never gets below about 45 and the days are warmer. We go to the beach every day unless it is raining.
I see there is a little female from Dream and Hans. Seems she is sweet like Theo. Is she black or brown? We should have a little female. How much potty training has she had?I look at your web site all the time. I love all the happy homes and pics.
Kathie Reynolds
Sam and Todd Taylor
Hey, Ms. Paula!!
See the attached pictures - this is Charlie (who we got from you) with his big brother (a toy poodle) Joe. Even though they sometimes pretend to be cats, we think they are the best dogs ever!!
We hope you are well - Sam and Todd Taylor
Tommy C.
From time to time, people tell me, "lighten up, it's just a dog," or "that's a lot of money for just a dog." They don't understand the distance traveled, the time spent, or the costs involved for "just a dog. "Some of my proudest moments have come about with "just a dog. "Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog," but I did not once feel slighted.
Some of my saddest moments have been spent with "just a dog," and in those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "just a dog" gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day. If you, too, think it's "just a dog," then you will probably understand phrases like "just a friend," "just a sunrise" or "just a promise."
"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.
"Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person. Because of "just a dog" I will rise early, take long walks and look longingly to the future.
So for me and the folks like me, it's not "just a dog" but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.
"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.I hope that someday they can understand that it's not "just a dog" but the thing that gives me humanity and keeps me from being "just a person."
I just had to write and let you know that Tempi is doing wonderfully! She is everything I could have wanted in a puppy. She has even taken a strong liking to the dog toy we have (a stuffed squirrel), even though its bigger then her, and she's still too small to make it squeak. But she'll carry it around until she's tired enough for a quick nap.
Thank you for raising such a wonderful puppy!
I just had to send you an email to tell you how much I love this puppy. She wins over everyone she meets (with the exception of the other family dogs, who tend to think that she's commiting a major faux pas by playing with toys). You were right about her appetite not being much when I fist got her home, but now she's eating her fill without being distracted by everything else. She must have gained two pounds in the last two weeks! She's been such a good little dog that my father has barely been able to use his "Dammit Tempi!" line. He did bestow it on her when she decided that his work shoes-or rather the insoles of his work shoes- would be a perfect addition to her box. He didn't realize the theft until our corgi gave Tempi away the next morning.
I know you muct hear this all the time, but you did a simply wonderful job in raising a bright cheerful attantive puppy, even though times were not idea for you.
Thank you so much,
amazing pencil drawing
Hi Paula . . . I thought you would like to see this. It is a 16 X 20
pencil drawing from 2 separate photos. She has incorporated every
detail from the photos. She does portraits of people too but I love
the animals. She lives in Arlington, I paid $100 per doggie. Way
worth it!!!
Dear Paula,
Rousseau's first night went pretty well. We played with him and tired him out so much that I had to put him to bed before we had a chance to video chat with our granddaughter in California and surprise her with the puppy. He slept in the laundry room all by himself without too much whimpering and is paper trained in there. That's the room that has the doggie door that I plan to keep him in when I'm away from the house. He's in there again right now for a nap.
We're off to a good start. He's a sweetie. He's content in the puppy pouch too.
As ever, it was a pleasure to visit with you today. I can hardly
wait the 3 weeks until he will be ready to come and join our family.
Thank you for all you do. He is just so sweet and cute. I know that
Amy and Jason are quite taken with their little Bella too.
Look forward to talking to you in the next few weeks. And thanks for
spending part of your day with us. I attached one of the cutest
pictures from today.
Take care.
Hi Paula,
I'm sorry to hear that your husband has been ill, I hope that its not serious. I will pray for him.
As of yesterday Rocky has become a service dog.
Photo Email
We just love her. Her are some pictures with my daughter, my sister and nephew. She also started bonding with our 9 year old poodle.
Alison MacDonald & Tempi
Hello, again!
I just had to sit down and tell you how wonderfully Tempi is doing. She has adapted wonderfully to my school-barn lifestyle. She is learning our routine at the barn, and her favorite part is 'herding' the turkey and the ducks. She even accompanied me to a horse show in St louis last weekend. I have never been so popular at a show! Everyone wanted to pet her or pick her up, and she just drank in the adoration! I attached a picture of her, before her hair cut. (I'm teaching myself how to trim her, and its not always perfect).
I hope that everything is wonderful for you,
Alison MacDonald & Tempi
Hello Paula,
We're all settled now. After Sadie met her new siblings she explored her new house, played with a few toys, ate dinner, and is now sound asleep on top of my bare feet. 🙂 Here's a photo taken after dinner with Sadie, her brother Tobey-Wan Kenobi, and her sister Darth Bailey.
I'm completely in love with her! Thanks for raising such a well-adjusted, loving pup.
Oliver is doing absolutely wonderful! It was love at first sight for my husband who has never had a pet before. We are really loving the new addition to our little family, and Oliver is drinking up all the love and attention he gets! I have to admit, he is a little spoiled! We have discovered that he is VERY intelligent, as he can unlock his kennel all by himself! Anyway, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season! Thank you so much for being a wonderful breeder! I also attached a picture of my husband with Oliver the first day we got him. They are quite a pair!
Dear Paula,
Here's the photos I told you I'd send, as you can see, we didn't wait to give him to them. I wanted them to see him puppy fuzzy before I groom him,and give him some time to adjust from the trip and the long day. He was so good, we went to Petsmart, and got him a crate (though he won't see it much,I can tell you that,LOL) and some more goodies.You made two very sad people happy again,thank you.
Hi Paula,
Well we had a very nice drive home. The puppy was so good. He just sat on my lap and was very quiet. We stop and got something to eat and he never tried to eat our food and he was still sitting on my lap. Everyone loves him. My daughter decided on the name for me. We call him Austin. I tried to put him in his crate last night before going to bed, but he cried and I could not stand it. So I gave in and he slept alnight right next to me like my Pepee used too. Thank you for being out there. I knew I would find the right puppy I just had to be patience. It was so great meeting you and finding out how we had so much in common. Well I hope to keep in touch and that we you do come down to Austin. Please come see us.
Merry Christmas
Hi Paula,
Hope you are having a great holiday,here are some of Bucky and his new family.... he is much adored as you can see. What a sweet dog he is.

Jesse And Norma
Gigi is still the best thing that has hapened to this old couple for a long time, She keeps us alive.
Jesse And Norma
Bella is doing great. She is now 11 pounds. She was house-trained at about 4 months...she goes and rings the bell to let us know she needs out. We are planning on doing agility with her. She has such a fun personality, it is very different from our other poodle. She totally makes us laugh all the time. We are thinking we should have named her Bandita...she is quite the little bandit. I have also decided to have her spayed. I think that is the best for our family. I will send you pictures soon. Take care.
Dear Paula,
Sam wanted to stay with the name Milo so that's what we call him. I wanted to let you know what an excellent Mom Sophie is. She loves playing with him and they are such a joy to watch together. Last night at 5AM, Sophie jumped up and ran into where his crate is before we even heard him. He wanted to go outside for a moment. I was so impressed. She is very tuned into him and teaches him a lot. She even throws the ball to him and allows him to have a turn. They also play tug of war very well. Everyday, he is able to take bigger steps and jump higher. We have adopted new children to raise and play with! When Sam gets the photos up I'll send them to you. Hope you and George are well. How is little girl doing?
Dearest Paula,
Now I'm home and can continue bragging about our poodles.
In case I haven't told you before, Sophie and Milo make such a great pair of happy dogs. I am so glad that we have both of them to keep each other company. Sophie even tosses the ball to him after she has given up on us. Milo doesn't feel the significance of a tennis ball as strongly as she does but he does love to watch her catch it for us. She has also starting bringing it directly back to us and dropping it at our feet!
Milo's big talent so far is being adorable, smiling all the time and walking on his hind legs. I do want to teach them tricks, eventually, but am now just starting off with basic manners. They are learning to walk properly together on a leash around the neighborhood and learning commands such as heal, stop, sit, stay. They have aced the go-potty command!
Training 2 dogs at a time is new to me and difficult, so for the harder things I separate them.Sophie really does love him and does make sure he is OK. And he adores her and enjoys watching her do everything, unless it has to do with food, then he can't (yet) contain himself. We're working on his self-control big time. I've attached 3 photos of Sam and Sophie, myself and Milo. I hope they make it to you. Sky is so much like Sophie. I would love for them to have a reunion sometime. I hope you have a chance to bring her by someday for a visit.
Our thoughts and love to you and George!
Kathy, Sam, Sophie and Milo
PS I still think the name Brutus applies to him.
Dee Lynn
Dear Paula:
I have been meaning to email you, but things have been busy around here. My Dad has been very sick and in the hospital, in the midst of all that my husband and I both got the stomach flu. We are back to normal now, but Dad is still struggling. He has bacterial pneumonia among other things. He is home now, but still very weak. I want you to know what a delight our little Prissy is. Of course she rules Mom and Dad!! She is the best natured, smartest little girl. We all love her so much. She has added so much joy to all our lives. Every day Dad marvels as to how they were so lucky to pick the best puppy out of all.
I am sorry I can't email any pictures. I don't have a digital camera and Mother hasn't taken pictures. But I will tell you, she weighs 4lbs (probably a little more now, this was the last time at the vet a couple of weeks ago). She is so good about her eating and potting. Her coloring is just adorable. She couldn't be more perfect or more loved!!
I sincerely hope your husband is doing better and that you are as well. One of these days we will get some pictures in the mail, or perhaps when Dad feels better we could take a drive and bring Prissy out to see you. That would be a good outing for Dad.
Take care and may you have a very holy Lent and Happy Easter.
Dee Lynn
(Dee and Bobby's daughter)


Bailey in her new Coach Coat!!
I'm so sorry I havent kept you updated with pics of the silver toy I
got from u February of 2007. Here are some recent pics of him. I can't
believe its already been a year.
This is a birthday cake we made for him! Its made just for dogs, it
contains no sugar but just a little peanut butter and the icing is
cream cheese with food coloring. He's the best! And his personality is
so distinct. I plan on getting a black toy within this year
Lee and Najla

Denna Shelton
Here is a picture of Teddy for you and I will send pictures of Kuper soon. First I want to say that Kuper is a joy and love to have and we wouldn't take anything for him! We had Kuper OFA tested and his results came back, OFA Hips - Good and Elbows - Normal, I knew he would pass because he is out of such great lines. Also Kuper's half Brother "Teddy" (they have the same dad "Tango's Haus Red Flame") He was PinnHip tested and made an Excellent and Elbows - Normal, VWD- Negative! And Kuper's offsprings are just wonderful! He produces the most adorable puppies with the best temperament! The Families just rave on how Wonderful they are! I am so blessed to have found Paula and her Miniature Poodles, Paula has been a wonderful Support and we highly recommend Tangos Haus to anyone that is looking for that Special Quality Poodle puppy..
Thank you so much Paula and you are welcome to use us as a reference anytime!
Denna Shelton

Bandit & Tawny

Jonathan Ibarra
I am truly impressed with you as a breeder and lover of poodles.
Shirley and I are both truly pleased with Miah and know that we are
blessed with her. She had a great night and our other two girls are
accepting her as much as can be accepted. She is totally beautiful,
and I think you must have been speaking her name to her a lot because
she seems to already know it. Shirley and I have purchased several
dogs from breeders in our 16 years of marriage, but none match the
care and quality you demonstrate.
Thank you, God bless you, and I shall send photographs.
Jonathan Ibarra

Miah Tuesday Ibarra with her new Momma, Shirley

Jackie's new little girl, Clarice with Jackie's Chloe on Clarice's first night home!

Clarice, Jackie's new little girl...
- Hi Paula! I'm SO sorry that it's taken me so long to send you these pictures! Moose is doing SO well, and I love him very much. He and my sister's dog, Cabbage, a Coton de Tulear, and he have become VERY good friends and we have a playdate with a lassa opsa next week. 🙂 I hope you enjoy the pictures!Thank you so much for my little love! Take care, Nyssa
Hi Paula,
My name is Mindy Jones and we bought a puppy from you last September. I sent you an email a couple months ago and didn't hear back at all. So I thought I would send you another update to make sure you got it. We named our puppy Ped, after a friend's nickname, and we have very much enjoyed him. We got him neutered in January and that went well. And we also went
through puppy training class with him through Petsmart. I have attached a picture of him. I think it was right before he got his first haircut.Thanks for your time
Jeanne and Rick
- Dear Paula,
I don't know if you remember us, but we purchased a white minature poodle from you in March of 2006. If you remember after a week with our new pup, we decided not to keep him. Well, that was then and this is now!!! He has literally stolen our hearts and is now King of the house! His name is Napoleon, and we call him Leon for short. He is a true spoiled rotten lake dog. He loves to swim, go boating, and rides the wave runner with "Daddy". Just wanted you to know we are all happy together. The last Vet check, he weighed almost twenty pounds. Thanks for a wonderful poodle. Hope you and yours are healthy and happy too.
Enjoy the pictures. Sincerely,
Jeanne and Rick
George and Liz
Hi Paula,
We bought Rosie, our cream colored miniature from you in early May. I
wanted to let you know how utterly pleased and happy we are with her!! Rosie has a wonderful disposition, loves people and is very smart! We signed her up for puppy training classes at Petco, and she is the superstar of the far. I'm not sure how you breed your puppies to have such wonderful temperment and intelligence, but I'm glad you do. She literally learns new tricks in minutes. Rosie is not a princess, she's the queen in our family and we are all very glad to have her. Thank you again so much for bringing Rosie into our lives. We
are considering getting a companion for Rosie, and will go to you if we decide to do so. Here's a picture of Rosie, she is almost 3 months old now. It was a pleasure meeting you, and we hope to see you again.
Bill and Barbara
Nikki weighs 6#-------Spanki weighs 4#------and of course Kadi had to be in the picture also. Paula the girls are so different---Each having their own personality--- Nikki is very outgoing and
Spanki is very reserved. Bill and I hardly ever leave the babies as they cry so loud. All my girls are house trained using the doggie door into the back yard(that was a job). Thank You so much.
We do love our girls and as I promised,we have given them a good home.
Bill and Barbara
Hi Paula,
These are pictures of Domino with my grandchildren. I will send you some with Max later.
Corinne and Paul
- Here is our Sadie Baby. She gets her first grooming tomorrow.
She weighs 5.9lbs. She is a smart, pretty pup and is loved very much. Thanks for giving her a good start in life.
Corinne and Paul
Dear Paula,
How are you? Peppy is very lovely & always so polite to people. He can do some actions such as sit, hand, down, stand, "give me five" and catch the toy to me after throw. Last Sunday, we bring him to the habour which is a new facility for dogs near our home. The photo was taken there. He sleep with us everynight and like to eat chicken, egg, vegetables, fruit............So Much!!!! But, he is still healthy and slim.
He is a coward when a car crossing behind. He thrill and scare. By the way, he likes to follow Sharen only. I am the second or third............choice. Oh......................! Sharen would like to thank you and deeply appreciated that to let her have Peppy.
We bless you have a good health.
Paula D
Rusty has located a tender little green bean and he grabs it before Zorro can get to it.
Hello Paula,
I hope this email finds you and your family well. It has been some time since I wrote and wanted to give you an update on Baci, the toy parti we adopted from you in August 2006. Baci is just the sweetest little guy; I can have a full conversation with him and he just listens contently as if he understands what I am telling him. When he sees me he shows his excitement by dancing in little circles and it is the cutest thing! He was neutered in January and was 11 lbs at that visit so needless to say he is quite a stocky little boy! He would eat all day if I let him! I could go on and on about him but just wanted to provide you with a little update and a photo.
Take care,
Hi, Paula! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed getting to know you and to say "thank you" once again for my baby Cha Cha! She is doing great. She has such a sweet temperment. She seems quite happy. She slept with me and Martini last night, and did not have any accidents. I forgot to write down the name of that medicine you said would grow hair on rocks. I thought I would go and get more of the puppy food you have Cha Cha on and get that while I was at the pet store. I showed off the puppy to my brother and sister-in-law and they just had a fit over how cute she is. She played with their big dogs, Australian Shepherds, and was not intimidated in the least. You really have well socialized pups.
I will stay in touch.
Take Care,
Oh, Paula, she has such spunk! She is playing with her toys, and still trying to get Martini to play with her. He is starting to get curious. She is so very lovable. She snuggled around my neck all the way home. She loves to get around my neck and lick my ear lobe. She plays with the toys and barks at them from time to time. She is such a doll! I can't tell you how much I love that baby!!! Thank you again for this little angel. I will be taking some pictures and will find out how I load them on my computer. As soon as that gets done I will send you some photos.
I will stay in touch. Can't wait to see you and visit again. I swear, I feel like I have known you all my life. You are quite a dear, spunky lady and I really enjoyed our visit.
Take care,
Hi Paula,
I just wanted to let you know that Dixie was an angel on the drive home! She slept with Lauren (in her lap) and has bonded so well with her already. She also has made her maiden voyage into our big backyard and used “the facilities”. What a delight this little girl is! We are all so taken with her. Here are pictures of Lauren and Dixie sleeping together in the back seat and sitting in the front with David. She has no idea how spoiled she is going to be …
Blessings and hugs,
Little Zorro Diefledermaus(German for flying mouse) is a wonderful little puppy! We all love him. My 4 year old son, Thaxton, wakes up at 6:30 to start playing with him, they run all day, nap at the same time in the afternoon, and then Zorro has to be with me to tuck Thaxton in at night. Zorro sits in my 10 year old son's lap while he does his school work, loves to chase baseballs, enjoys wrestling with his stuffed bear and chasing little boys. His adorable little tail is constantly wagging! Zorro doesn't peep after he is put to bed at night (I think that he is just to tired from playing to move). I have attached a picture that was taken today.
Hello Paula,
How are you? I am prayerful that all is well with you and your family. I apologize for not contacting you before today. I thought I would email you on Benson's first birthday. He has been a wonderful addition to our family. He has grown so much from the little bitty fur ball that we brought home in September. He is getting a deluxe grooming session today and when we pick him up we will take a picture with the kids. I will send it to you.
Take care and look forward to our picture coming soon.
Hi Paula, Yes, all is well and the puppy is adorable and today after a good nap and several others, she is very lively and very cute. Everyone loves her and I just have to keep them away for a while until she gets used to her surroundings. She is very curious and late this afternoon, she investigated her new home.
Once again, thank you very much. We are very happy with her and appreciate all your efforts to help us get our little sweetheart.
Cody and Kayla
Hey this Jessie from NC
Just wanted you to see how wonderful Tango is looking.
She now weighs 6 pounds and is about 11" tall. She is still single and looking . I'll keep you informed on the man hunt.
Hey this Jessie from NC
Just wanted you to see how wonderful Tango is looking.
She now weighs 6 pounds and is about 11" tall. She is still single and looking . I'll keep you informed on the man hunt.
My name is Chloe Breese and that's that!
Jackie with her new baby in Ohio!!
Frank And Barbara
Paula as you can see Ellie has fit in very well, and does not lack for attention or love. I am thankful every day that we located you, your dedicated love in raising all your little boys and girls. Hope George had a rewarding trip to Houston and that news was good. Take care and God Bless.
Frank And Barbara
Hi Paula: hope all is well in your world.. Thought you would
like to see an update on Ellie. Brought a lot of joy to our house.
She does keep us extremely busy.
The Windeggers
Oh, thank you, Paula! Little Boo is really a mama's boy! He is destined to be a true lap dog too. In fact, all three are happiest when they are sitting in my lap playing with each other. Martini's nose was out of joint and he had a mild case of the green-eyed monster, but he is already over it and playing with Boo too.It is so much fun to watch the three of them play together. My brother, Marc is coming over this weekend to show me how to download photos, and I will be sending some very soon.
Thanks again for all the joy you have brought into my life with these new babies!!!
Here's a picture of Harley (yes, it's a girl's name too although my mother says she's going to have a sexual identity crisis lol) that I took at work today. My boss lets me bring her so I don't have to leave her home alone all day. She's doing great.
Photo Email
I can't tell you how much we love her. Her name is Baby. She has really bonded with my daughter.
Paula Sunnyvale, Texas
To Paula:
Little Layla is so smart. The second day I had her, she would retrieve anything I thru to her. Layla is only 3 1/2 months old, and about 90% potty trained. My mother says, she looks a lot like me. I feel like a new Mom with a baby. I just want you to know, you have brought joy into my life that I have missed for ten years. Hope your family is doing well.
Thanks again,
From: Paula Sunnyvale, Texas
Hi Paula,
I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for everything yesterday. The visit with you and your husband was very enjoyable. I really admire how well you take care of your poodles. I know it must be a lot of work that consumes most of your time. The puppy is doing wonderful and has been eating well. He whined a little bit last night when we put him in his crate for bedtime but after he realized we weren't coming to get him he went to sleep. The interaction between him and our poodle went very well also; they seem to have taken to each other immediately. Below are some pictures we took today. I will keep you updated on his progress.
Take Care,
I LOVE my dog. He is the cutest, best, funniest puppy in the world! He is a "velcro dog" and stays attached to someone's leg/foot - it does not matter whose. He has been sleeping with me and stays the day in his playpen. He has not pottied in my bed yet - thank goodness. I go home at lunch and walk him. He is really developing a personality. He thinks he is a guard dog and was barking at the t.v. last night. He even growled! It was hysterical. It is funny how much he likes to be with people. If someone is in the house, he will whine and whine until he is with them. He learned to climb up my stairs last night. That was really funny. He can't go down, but he can sure climb up them.
I'll take some photos this weekend and you can add me to your "new owners" page. I never did take him to the vet because I did not want him to catch anything there. I'll take him when he needs his next shots. Right now, he just stays inside or goes to the front yard to potty.
I'm going to bathe him this weekend too.
Just thought I'd check in with you and send you more e-mails - HAHAHAHAHAHAH
I love my puppy. Thank you so much for raising such a wonderful, little friend.
I hope this email finds you well. I finally got the pictures of Brodie......He is such a joy to us. I am also including a picture of him with his brother, Baron.
Thank you!!
Marge and Gene
Jamie Zucker
I just wanted to say Thank you! We named her Jenyfir. Her vet check up last week went great. We are having so much fun with her. We love her and so do our other dogs. I will send picture later on (I have a film camera). I hope you are feeling better. Take care!!
Jamie Zucker
Jamie's Hand Poured Candles .
Julie and Gregory
It has been one week and 3 days and everyone that sees Colby falls in love with him. He is such a great dog, and Wednesday night he barked for the first time. Me and Julie are so happy to have him in our lives. He is such a wonderful dog. He follows us around everywhere. He also had his first Wal-mart trip Wednesday night. He is also going to the bathroom outside of the house every time we take him out.
Julie and Gregory
Hello Paula,
Here are a couple photos of "Taz". (We renamed him "Kokua". That's Hawaiian for "helper"). The white poodle is our miniature "Pua Kea". Kokua is doing well, very attached to the Mrs. Thank you for helping us find a good match.
Hello Paula,
Here are a couple photos of "Taz". (We renamed him "Kokua". That's Hawaiian for "helper"). The white poodle is our miniature "Pua Kea". Kokua is doing well, very attached to the Mrs. Thank you for helping us find a good match.
christmas wish from Marla
Hi Paula, I hope you remember me-we bought Roxie last Sept. We are so happy with her-everybody in the dog business who knows her comments on how beautiful and good she is! We all want another puppy,but my husband is against it! Anyway, she is 12lbs and so so cute! We love her! Hope that you have a good xmas holiday with your family! Take Care, Marla The new puppies are gorgeous!
Hi Paula!
Here's a picture of my puppy girl Juliett Lynn - I don't know if your remember us, but I worried you to death about pictures of her while she was a little pup - now she's two and she's the best pup I've ever had! She's so loving and ultra attentive! I'd recommend getting a poodle anyone who likes lots and lots of love and of course I'd recommend yours - mine's the best!
Shawn Don Avery and Makayla
Hi Paula,
Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and let you know how wonderful Teddy has been. He went on his first skiing trip and had a ball. We have a condo in Steamboat and decided at the last minute to go for the New Years. He LOVED it!! He went everywhere with us, shopping and out to eat. We decided not to ski so he was able to go everywhere with us. He has quite an extensive wardrobe now including a jacket and sweaters. He looks so cute!! Well, I just wanted to thank you again for this beautiful boy!! The girls are going to have their pictures taken with him this weekend so I'll send you a pic. I want you to know we now consider you a member of the family and we may be looking for another puppy soon so keep us posted on any new litters like Teddy. Love, Shawn Don Avery and Makayla
ps Teddy said for us to tell you hello!!
Ann McSwain
Hi, Paula! I have to start off by apologizing profusely because it has been almost one year (I can't believe it!) since I last emailed you. I bought the cutest puppy from you on January 29th, 2006 and I just wanted to email you to tell you he is the BEST dog!!! He is absolutely adorable and a delight for my husband and I, and he and my other poodle get along like best pals. We have some pictures I will email you as soon as possible, but I really want to tell you that I so appreciate how much time you spent with me a year ago when I bought him. We have loved every minute of him and he's so healthy, happy, perky and truly a joy and such a companion. By the way, his name is Chuy! I have been asked about him when I take him and my other poodle, Lum Lum, for walks. Everyone that sees him is always very taken with him. I even had a car stop on the street, and a woman rolled down her window to ask where I got him, and I told her Tango's Haus.
Anyway, I hope 2006 was good to you, and I wish you all the best for 2007. And, again, please accept my sincere apologies for taking SO long to email.
Ann McSwain
Hi Paula,
An update for you...Max is still a wonderful little puppy!
My daughter, Zara, has taken to calling him "Maximo" and it really fits! He is a big, big spirit in a small body. He is still sleeping on top of first I thought that it was due to the cold weather but even when it's mild, he just climbs up on top of her and uses her as a plush rug. He is quite the little "divo"! He has a very happy life...and Lola adores him.
This picture was taken while Za and I were feeding him. We have to feed him separately and hold him. He is so excited to be in the house and with us that he won't eat. So we have to sit down on the floor, hold him and feed him from our hands! Finally, this week, I stopped doing that. It took him a couple of days before King Maximo realized he would have to eat out of the bowl!!
He's a realy joy w/ his big personality!
Thanks again,
How have you been doing? I just wanted to say our puppy (Sophia's Dream) has been a great addition to our family. She is one of the most intelligent dogs I have ever owned. Within the first week she was house trained and sitting on command. Now-a-days she can sit, stay, lay, shake and we're working on rolling over. The boys on Christmas morning were surprised as planned. Sophia walked out from behind the Christmas tree as planned and they were shocked. The youngest immediately walked up and said it's O.K. little puppy, Santa Claus brought you just for here me. But I just wanted to say thanks and let you know it was worth the ride for her. Also, how do you keep your
dogs eyes clear of the tear stains? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Also, I'm attaching a couple of pictures of our family and one of Sophia by herself.
Hello Paula: I am resending photo's because we realized our computer is still having issues. So I am sending you from work. This one is the most recent family photo where Jay (husband) was taking the picture with James, Sugar and I. She has been in training and Cindy, our trainer, says she is one of the best she has ever had the pleasure to work with! She continues to amaze me and we are so blessed to have her in our family. Take care and thank you again for making our "Family Complete"!
Warmest regards,
Hello Paula:
My name is Mindy Jones, and I got an apricot/cream male mini poodle from you last September. Sorry it has taken me so long to write you, but I have a few pictures and an update.
We named the puppy Ped, and he is doing really well. He has a wonderful personality and is very cute. We get compliments on him literally every time we take him in public. Beginning in November we put him through an eight week puppy training course with Petsmart, and he learned a lot from the class and behaves very well. In January we had him neutered and he recovered quickly from that. We are very pleased with him and are thankful for the high quality puppy that we got from you. Thanks again!
Also, within the next year to two years we are wanting to get him a little friend in the form of an apricot/cream mini female. Will you still be breeding poodles in a couple years? We really want to get another one from you.
Hi Paula,
I just wanted to fill you in on Rocky's first week. Friday a night when the pups arrived they both stayed at my home with two of my granddaughters who wouldn't leave their pup. Saturday we went to the mall to return clothes and harnesses that didn't fit Rocky due to all his fur. Saturday night the boys stayed at Sharon's and we still didn't want to separate them because they get along so well. Sunday I went and picked up Rocky my feeling was if we procrastinate much more it will just make the separation more difficult. I guess I was right I now have a baby that follows me everywhere I go and if I'm not in his sight he cry's like a baby seal. Monday was Rocky's first day of work and he was a smash hit with all the clients and staff upstairs. He has been to work with everyday since and loves it, he even has a little friend named Lola who is a chihuahua. Tuesday we went to the vet and he loved Rocky's markings, he must have held him for more than 15 minutes. Rocky will receive the next set of shots on 3/14 at that time I will schedule him to be neutered when he turns 4 months. Rocky had his first bath at home and seemed to like it, good work Paula! When I take my shower in the morning Rocky is outside the shower stall crying to get in, I have to open the door a little so that he can see me and then he is OK. We have taken many photos I will email you some this weekend. My husband has fallen in love with the little guy I hear him saying things like "he sure is cute" "he looks like a little sheep dog" and Rocky now sleeps in our bedroom I put him in the crate next to my bed and so long as he can see me he sleeps through the night. I hope I haven't given you to much info as we are so in love with our puppy he hasn't been alone since we picked him up at the air port. I will stay in contact and may have questions on occasion. Paula thank you for everything.
Much Love,
Joe and Misty
Hi Paula,
Sorry it has taken us so long to send you pictures of our Mandy. As you can see she has fit herself right into our family. We love having her. She is especially fond of Joe. They are quite attached. She enjoys going in the car. And she and Sammy have become good friends…he the mature, older, wiser dog--Mandy the feisty little clown. Her favorites are playing fetch with her squeaky porcupine toy, and outings to PetSmart.
Joe and Misty
Ziggy Walter & Rocky Frank
The puppies finally arrived...on 03/02/2007!
I just figured out how to get photo's onto the computer without the cable!! The 1st 2 nights home we did not separate them, but on the third night...they were on their own and did very well.
Ziggy has now become Carlie's best friend and she runs around saying "MY PUPPY"!! Bosco and Sasha could really do without having a new baby brother...they'll survive!
Rocky is really, really happy about being an only child!! Rocky's waredrobe is probably over $300.00 by now and growing...and goes to work with his Mom (Peggy) everyday!
Hi Paula,
Sorry it has taken us so long to send you pictures of our Mandy. As you can see she has fit herself right into our family. We love having her. She is especially fond of Joe. They are quite attached. She enjoys going in the car. And she and Sammy have become good friends…he the mature, older, wiser dog--Mandy the feisty little clown. Her favorites are playing fetch with her squeaky porcupine toy, and outings to PetSmart.
Joe and Misty
hi paula-we are so enjoying scotch-he is a wonderful dog not hyper at all but very playful and just cute as a button. the other day my husband took him outside to use the bathroom and the wind blew him over! we had a good laugh at that. he is very smart and seems to be happy here with us. i will have to get my husband to take a picture and send it since i don't know how to do that. my kids all love him too but i think he has taken a shine to me. you were right about him sleeping with me and housetraining-he doesn't even get us up to go out in the middle of the night anymore! he really is such a treasure. thank you, mitzi
Dear Paula,
Your suggestions on crate training worked perfectly and easily. The only"accidents" Sophie had were because we wanted to play with her too long. That was our mistake, not hers. Thank you for helping me with the procedure. It definitely worked!!!! Not to say that she is perfectly trained yet, but she has come along way!
Sam and I adore her. She is not only adorable but also so sweet. It is hard to put her down.
I have gotten her out a lot. (socializing her) Saturday, she went with me to Love Field to pick up my friend. She did not want to go up the cement stairwell, but walked through the airport acting very secure and happy.
Then we took her into Tom Thumb and she enjoyed meeting the pharmacist and cashier. Sam or take her on walks once or twice a day and she loves meeting new dogs and being petted by children.
I started cutting her hair on Friday and continued the job on Saturday. She held very still for the most part and does love water and mud!
She sleeps with us many nights and likes to travel all the way down to the foot of the bed for the few minutes, then she comes back up enough for her head to stick out, then goes to sleep.
I can't tell you how much better I feel emotional since I've had her. She has been a life saver for me after such a difficult year.
When we walk her she meets all sorts of people who think she is adorable and even want to know where we got her.
Thank you again for adding so much to our life. She is so loved by both Sam and I!!!!
Hi Paula,
I just wanted to write to you and let you know how the little black pup we bought from you is doing. My daughter absolutely adores her. She went to all the 4-H training classes with her from the moment she arrived here and learned so fast that my daughter did extremely well at the county fair show with her. Everyone was amazed at how well she did in the obedience class for only being about 5 months old at the time. She learns anything my daughter teaches her so fast that she only as to show her twice before she's doing the task on her own. My daughter hopes to be showing her in the AKC shows soon. We'll keep you posted on her progress. Thanks again for such a loving, smart and perfect little dog! Not to mention adorably beautiful!
Hi, Paula! I hope you're doing well. I bought the cutest puppy from you in early 2006. (He was born 11/16/2005.) We named him Chuy. His parents are Merlin and Fantom Flower. I've emailed you before but it's been awhile. I just want to say again that he is the best dog and is such a blessing. He is my constant companion and my husband's constant companion, too. I've said it before but he is just a delight! He has the best temperment, and is so active and does the cutest and funniest things. I just love him!! I have been meaning to send you pictures and I promise I will.
I visited your site and saw all the pictures of your latest additions. I would love to see them and add to our group. I have recommended you to so many people because I am constantly asked about little Chuy.
I sincerely hope you and your family are doing well.
With best regards,
Peggy, Rocky and Ziggy
Hi Paula,
I am writing to update you on progress of the boys Ziggy and Rocky, they are both doing well and are happy in their new home. Rocky is now around 10.5 lbs and Ziggy is 7.5 both are cute as can be. Rocky and Ziggy attend puppy university together and doing OK. Their attention span is that of a Nat when together, but they have so much fun. I recently began taking Rocky to the dog park for little dogs and he just loves it. He has a posse of poodles and a mix of other small to med. size dogs we catch up with three times a week. And of course he has the other motley crew Ziggy, Bosco (Rohnert Park Police Canine), his boating buddies Snoop and Tommy (wiener dogs) and not to mention his working partner Lola Bella a small 5 pound Chihuahua. Sorry that I haven't written sooner but I have been very busy at work. I know that I said that I would send photos and I promise I will soon. The boys are both beautiful and I get complements on Rocky daily he is striking. Most don't know that he is a poodle [even if they are poodle owners] and others think he a mix. I finally found a groomer that I like and he does a great job, the last one scalped him with a summer cut.
I hope you are doing OK, you were sick for awhile; is everything ok? I often look on your web site to see your new additions. I may be looking for a smaller female around 3 to 5 pounds once I convince my husband that I need two babies. They won't be for breeding as you know Rocky was fixed months ago and I am so glad I did. I just think that Rocky would love a little sister at home to play with; not to take him away from Ziggy, but he only sees him on the weekends. I still continue to take Rocky with me almost everywhere I go as well as work. I am trying to get him licensed as a service dog so that I can take him even more places.
I will close for now, but I promise that I will send photos soon.
God Bless,
Peggy, Rocky and Ziggy
Molly, Emily, Benjamin, Shadow the Lab and Tilly the Phantom sable poodle!
Hi...I wanted to call you or write sooner, but have been kind of busy...Just like you for sure... I want to tell you how much we love our phantom poodle....She is sooooo wonderful and just loves us....She follows us all around nearly all day....She is fine, the vet checked her out and noted what a great job you did as a breeder with her shots, worming etc. Thank you for providing the best service ever.....I will always remember you, your kind ways, and of course, this beautiful
and member of our family....We named her Tilly. My neighbor in Missouri was so sweet, her name was Tilly...I had to name her Tilly.....
Thanks again. My sister, Ann was over this weekend with her two poodles, and they all had a ball playing together.....Take care and we will pray for your husband daily, that his Leukemia is knocked out with his medicine and care he is receiving at MD Anderson. Please tell him we will pray for him and keep us posted to his progress. Send me your phone number if you can....I want to always thank you....PS...What is your zip code?
Karen and David
Molly, Emily, Benjamin, Shadow the Lab and Tilly the Phantom sable poodle!
Hi !
Just checked your page and your new puppies are precious! Wanted to give you an update on Nolan. He has done so well. He is very much loved and makes sure he sits with mommy and daddy wherever we are. He is so spoiled, he sleeps in the bed with us!
Just wanted to say Hi!
Hi Paula, I was excited to see your new website. It looks great. I just wanted to check in and let you know that Cooper is still the best dog ever! I don't know how I lucked out, but I count my lucky stars every day. We have recently sold our home and have moved to an apartment bordered by a beautiful lake. Each day Cooper and I go out for a walk and he has met several new doggie friends. Of course, he is so well behaved and I am very proud. Cooper is so smart, and teachable, and seems to anticipate my every move. Chuck and I can't imagine life without him, as he brings so much joy to our days. Maybe someday soon we can make a trip out your way so you can see him again. Wishing you all the best! Shari

Pepper Harrington at 1 and a half years old. The house has become her royal residence and we, her humble servants!
Sharon, Andrew, Kaiden & Kaitrina
Happy Ventines Paula,
Kaity just got back from the groomer today. Her first hair cut! We love her so much! We miss you too! We hope you are doing well.
Big hug! -Sharon, Andrew, Kaiden & Kaitrina Kloser
Miss Paula,
It was so great finally meeting you, it was lovely chatting with you and hopefully we didn't overstay our welcome! Our little girl did great on the drive home. She had no accidents and barely cried. Thank you again for such a wonderful pup and this won't be my last email! Thanks and talk to you soon!
-Amesti Aranda

David and Patti
I hope you are doing well.
Just wanted to let you know that Ruby passed her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) test tonight. Now she is on to therapy dog training.
She is one smart little girl. She keeps me on my toes trying to come up with new games for to play.
She weighs 7.5 pounds now.
Feel free to post the attached photo on your web site.
Thanks for bring her into our lives.
David and Patti Martin
Just a cute Karmen Picture
Here's Barkley in the baby's Minnie Mouse couch. He loved it! Will get the pacifier picture from Lauren and send it later.
Happy Halloween from Kaity Kloser mini poodle
Hi Paula,
We r the family from Lantana, TX. We have 9 year old twins. I know u have too many clients so u still might not remember us. But anyway, I don't have a pic of myself... but I am the tall thin Asian lady.
Andrew is in the photo
Kaity travels with us on the airplane. This was our trip to Vail CO. She loved the moutain hikes & canoe . She even jumped in the cold lake and swam.
Very sporty . We taught her to love swimming from our pool at home 🙂
Disco on his 15th birthday.
Hello Paula,
Just a short note to tell you how Zack is doing. He’s had his 12 week vet visit and his first haircut. He’s doing well and keeping me busy.
John Doss
Velvet Annie and Gay
Hi Paula,
I doubt you remember me and my Mom (Pat Jones), but she has purchased two toys from you and Blossom was the last one to enter the family. Blossom is now 10 yrs old (If I remember correctly). Flower was her Momma I think . Blossom has been such a dear, sweet companion for my Mom over the years. My Mom and Blossom spend a lot of time at my house and Blossom keeps up with my 6 yr old Border Collie. I have attached a recent picture of her. 🙂
I have been meaning to reach out to you to inquire about adding a new addition to the family. My Mom lives by herself and I never want her to be without a fur-baby. She consistently looks at your website (even from day one of bringing Blossom home) just to see what babies you are currently nurturing. She is so dedicated to you and the quality of babies that you breed so I wanted to ask you to keep an eye out for a little female toy that you think may have a similar disposition to Blossom. I know it’s hard to determine personality right out of the gate but based on the parent's disposition I guess. I would like to do this for my Mom as a gift. She does so much to help me out and takes care of my son when I have to travel for work. She’s at a phase in her life where she deserves to be spoiled and I try to do that on a daily basis.
Ironically…. Blossom was diagnosed with diabetes this morning. That’s what prompted me to stop working for a moment and reach out to to you. My Mom is going to start the process of giving her 2 shots of insulin a day and we are praying this will bring her levels down. She tested at 450 (not sure if that means anything to you but I think the normal range is 150).
I am willing to put a deposit down for a baby girl or consider a young adult that you think might fit the disposition we are looking for. Just keep us top of mind, if you will.
I hope you are well and happy. I’m sorry about the loss of your Husband. My Mom and I recently lost my brother and it was a tragic death so that’s another big reason why I keep her close and want her to have companionship.
Hope to hear from you soon.
I am sorry it has been so long in me getting back to you. Things around here have been hectic. Halle is in the process of settling in. Or we are in the process of her teaching us what she needs. Whenever she first got here she seemed to scratch a lot. Similar to what I remember dogs doing for fleas. I have put her on Nextgard just because of the other dogs in neighboring yards. She seems to be doing a lot better as far as that goes, but she seems to have developed an ear infection. Vet is in the process of taking care of it.
We had some work cut out for us on the crate training. We had to buy a smaller crate so that she would not mess in the crate. She is doing pretty good now, except she whines sometimes. She still does not always tell us when she needs to go out, so we try to take her out every couple of hours. We are going to start a beginning dog training soon. It is a day by day challenge and blessing. I am going to attach some pictures and a link to a movie clip. Hope you enjoy.
Contact US
Tango's Haus Poodles
Paula Collins
6207 John May Dr
Knoxville, TN 37921