
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2008 8:06 PM

Subject: Sylvia & Pictures

Hello Paula
Just wanted to send you a picture or two my Sylvia and also wanted to let you know that tomorrow she goes in for her appointment to be spayed. She is my little shadow and she is doing well except for the potty training. But she will get it sooner or later. When I leave and she is not with me I put her in the bathroom with a Pee Pad and she uses that well. Normally she is with me unless I am at church. She has been there to while I was painting at the church. I don’t know if she knew that she was going to become a member of Prairie Lea Baptist Church. Ha Ha. She spent almost a week with me at the church. Bless her heart, she never knows where she is going. I’m going to miss her tomorrow and tomorrow night because she sleeps with me and is always either in my lap or laying in the chair beside me. If you can think of anything else that the Vet might need to know, please let me know. Thank You for letting her come live with us for her retirement years, I love her dearly. Below are a few pictures that I’ve taking of her today. Hope you enjoy and Have a Wonderful Day.

God Bless

Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Subject: Update on Sylvia

Hey There
I thought that I would just give you a little update on our Sylvia. She is doing great. She is almost house broke now and knows what Potty means and if I put her outside she knows that when she is done she gets to come right back in. She is spoiled rotten and I Love her dearly. She is the only dog that has ever slept in bed with us and she don’t like giving me much room either. Ha Ha. She has gained about 1 1/2 pounds and is looking really good since her surgery. I’m sending some pictures of her and I. She is most surely the better looking of the two. Ha Ha. Rocky is still trying to get her to warm up to him by bribing her with little bites of his food. He would of never done that with any other of the dogs because he don’t like a begging dog when you sit down to eat. She is doing a little better but she always runs and jumps in my lap. She is loving to play now and so I know that she is settled in. Thank You for making it possible for me to get her. She couldn’t be loved more.

Hope everything is going well with you and your family and email anytime.

God Bless


Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 9:50 AM
Subject: Merry Christmas

Wishing You and Your Family a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Sylvia is doing Wonderful….She has added alot of joy and loving to me. She is my shadow and has finally warmed up to Rocky. It took alot of bribing on his part. Ha Ha. Now she looks to him for bribes. Ha Ha. But she sleeps with us and she even will give him morning kisses sometimes. Thank You Again for making it possible to get her. We love her dearly. I’m sending her Christmas Picture. I Pray you and your family are all doing well and wish you the Best Christmas and New Year to come.

God Bless
Carrie, Rocky and Sylvia Chesnut

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 12:13 PM
Subject: Sylvia

Hello Paula
I normally just give you a update on Sylvia around Christmas, but I’m early this year. I wanted to share with you a picture of her doing her part in Breast Cancer Awareness Week. I just thought she looked cute and wanted to share. I hope all is well with you and your family. Sylvia is still doing well (Thank The Lord) she is my shadow everywhere I go and I don’t know what I would do without her. She’s still not real smart about country life. She will focus on me and not where she is walking, thus the snakes are bad. I had to call her in the house the other night because there was a copperhead on the sidewalk and the cat was keeping it occupied and she was just ready to step right over it. LOL Gotta watch her like a baby when she goes out. Since she was bitten last year you would think that she would pay attention to them but it just didn’t sink in. Ya Gotta Love Her and I doooooooo….. Hope you enjoy the picture.

Take Care and God Bless
Notice the Pink Toe Nails. Hee Hee. She hates the smell of the polish.